1. Most people do not actually want pols to compromise or reach across the aisle, that’s just a tired canard used to stifle actual change
1a. Bringing multiple Cheneys on board when your mideast policy is a sticking point with your own team is kind of a bad look for those of us who remember anything (I was recently exposed to the rosy sheen history has tried to give Dubya and nearly puked, because, uh, I was there?), but
2. The only reason we are where we are is white supremacy, plain and simple.
Not third party.
Not “the radical left.”
A little bit single-issue anti-choice voters, maybe*, but without a very large, very pale electorate who will sacrifice any possible material improvement in their lives if they even suspect it will be available to other races there is no down to the wire election to begin with.
Aim your anger appropriately.
*No data that I fully trust on this yet.