I have been varying degrees of mostly vegetarian for about 20 years. Mostly lacto-ovo with intermittent sometimes-meat periods. There was an uptick in fish and chicken (we raise our own, and most of them are layers who will live out their full natural lives, but I will tell you that if animals are capable of consent then roosters are rapey little bastards and I have no qualms eating them) when spouse was put on a high protein diet — the intersection of veg and keto is an awful lot of undressed salad with egg and nuts on top, and little else — and ultimately I have conceded to chicken and beef based stocks for some soups, and maaaaaybe once a year my hormones will demand a red meat sacrifice.
Like you, it is not about the death of animals for me, though certainly I will make sure that their suffering is minimized. I despise the waste and needless cruelty of industrial-scale farming. Ultimately, though, my reasons are more about the impact of my eating on the environment, and the excess that the American diet represents. The choice to eat locally and ethically sourced meat but restrict it to only 10% of my diet, give or take, satisfies my concerns.